
Acceptable User Policy

This Document binds the customer and its users to accept the following Acceptable Use Policy framed by ABT infoCloud.com. All users must Agree with this AUP before any service is set-up, thus why you must read and agree to it here in the middle of the ordering process. Violation of this AUP may result in suspension or termination of your service. In the event of a dispute between you and ABT infoCloud.com regarding the interpretation of this AUP, ABT infoCloud.com interpretation, in its reasonable commercial judgment, shall govern. If you have queries contact support@abtinfocloud.com.


Any attempts to undermine or cause harm to an ABT infoCloud.com Server or customer of ABT infoCloud.com is strictly prohibited, Means excessive consumption of resources, including but not restricted to CPU time, memory, disk space and session time. You may not use resource-intensive programs which negatively impact other customers or the performances of ABT infoCloud.com servers. ABT infoCloud.com reserves the right to Terminate or limit such activities.

Any sub-networks of ABT infoCloud.com and Dedicated Servers must adhere to the above policies. The failure to meet or follow any of the above guidelines would lead for account deactivation. You may not use your Dedicated Server to publish material, which ABT infoCloud.com determines, at its sole discretion, to be unlawful, indecent or objectionable. For purposes of this policy, “material” refers to all forms of communications including narrative descriptions, graphics (including photographs, illustrations, images, drawings, logos) executable programs, video recordings, and audio recordings.

ABT infoCloud.com reserves the right to cooperate with legal authorities and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected crime or civil wrongdoing.

Network Abuse

Customers are prohibited from engaging in any activities that ABT infoCloud.com determines in its sole discretion to constitute network abuse, including the following:

  • Introducing or executing malicious programs into any network or server, such as viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, and key loggers.

  • Causing or initiating security breaches or disruptions of network communication and/or connectivity, including port scans, flood pings, email-bombing, packet spoofing, IP spoofing, and forged routing information.

  • Executing any form of network activity that will intercept data not intended for the Customer's server.

  • Evading or circumventing user authentication or security of any host, network or account, including cracking, brute-force, or dictionary attacks.

  • Interfering with or denying service to any user, host, or network other than the Customer's host, such as a denial of service attack or distributed denial of service attack.

  • Conduct designed to avoid restrictions or access limits to specific services, hosts, or networks, including the forging of packet headers or other identification information.

  • Using any program, or sending messages of any kind, designed to interfere with or disable a user's terminal session.


    You are responsible for any misuse of your account. Therefore, you must take steps to ensure that others do not gain unauthorized access to your account. In addition, you may not use your account to breach security of another account or attempt to gain unauthorized access to another website.

    You are responsible for the scripts and software you install on your website. This applies especially if you upload executable scripts/code/CGI on your site. Please be careful when uploading software that executes on the server to your domain.

    Users are responsible for protecting their password and for any authorized or unauthorized use made of your password. You will not use or permit anyone to use ABT infoCloud.com service to guess passwords or access other systems or networks without written authorization.

    Display and Transmission of obscene speech or materials

    We are required by law to notify law enforcement agencies when it becomes aware of the presence of child pornography on or being transmitted through our network. You may not publish or transmit via our network and equipment any content that ABT infoCloud.com reasonably believes:

  • Constitutes child pornography.

  • Is excessively violent, incites violence, threatens violence, or contains harassing content or hate speech.

  • Is unfair or deceptive under the consumer protection laws of any jurisdiction, including chain letters and pyramid schemes.

  • Is defamatory or violates a person's privacy.

  • Improperly exposes trade secrets or other confidential or proprietary information of another person.

  • Is intended to assist others in defeating technical copyright protections.

  • Clearly infringes on another person's trade or service mark, patent, or other property right.

  • Is otherwise illegal or solicits conduct that is illegal under laws applicable to you or to ABT infoCloud.com or.

  • Is otherwise malicious, fraudulent, or may result in retaliation against ABT infoCloud.com by offended viewers.


    Spamming, the sending of unsolicited mass email from, through, or towards ABT infoCloud.com server is strictly prohibited. Spamming includes, without limitation:

  • Any form of advertising such as commercial advertising.

  • Informational announcements to people who do not request them.

  • Harassing e-mails, whether through language, frequency, amount, or size.

  • Chain letters.

  • Malicious e-mail such as "mail bombing".

  • E-mail containing forged or false information, including the mail-sender and routing information, and subject header;

  • Any Safe-list mass mailer.

  • Script run on and/or from ABTInfo.Net servers sending out mass-mail.

    Any report generated by an independent firm advising ABT infoCloud.com as to a possible spamming account will result in the suspension of the account until such time as the account is vindicated or it has been concluded that the aforementioned account has proven to be spamming. You will also violate this policy if you use the services of other ISP to spam, but channeling these activities to your Plan(s) on ABT infoCloud.com’s server. ABT infoCloud.com will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. Any violation of this provision will result in immediate termination of your account.

    Anyone hosting websites or services on their server that support spammers or cause any of our IP space to be listed in any of the various Spam Databases will have their server immediately removed from our network. The server will not be reconnected until such time that you agree to remove ANY and ALL traces of the offending material immediately upon reconnection and agree to allow us access to the server to confirm that all material has been COMPLETELY removed.

    Collection of personal data

    Use of the ABT infoCloud.com service to collect, or attempt to collect, personal information about third parties without their knowledge or consent is ground for account deactivation.

    Chat rooms

    ABT infoCloud.com does not allow clients to install their own chat rooms. Chat rooms tend to be large system hogs and we cannot permit it as an account option.

    Background running programs and cron jobs

    ABT infoCloud.com does not allow background Daemons such as IRC bots; egg drop; BitchX; XiRCON; and any other program that interferes with normal server operation.

    IRC ABT infoCloud.com does not allow IRC or IRC bots to be operated on our servers.


    Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold ABT infoCloud.com harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorney’s fees asserted against ABT infoCloud.com, its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, its agents, employees or assigns. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless ABT infoCloud.com against liabilities arising out of; (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with ABT infoCloud.com server; (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party; (3) copyright infringement and (4) any defective products sold to customer from ABT infoCloud.com server.

    Miscellaneous provisions

    You must provide us with, and keep current, good contact information for you. E-mail, fax, and telephone contacts are used, in that order of preference.

    Subscriber shall not transfer or assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Company. Company may assign Agreement at anytime without consent from or notice to Subscriber. Company reserves right to cancel customers rights under this contract at anytime without further obligation.

    ABT infoCloud.com is not responsible for any damages your business may suffer. ABT infoCloud.com denies any warranty or merchantability for a specific purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by ABT infoCloud.com.

    Failure to Pay

    The Company may temporarily deny service or terminate this Agreement upon the failure of Subscriber to pay charges when due. Such termination or denial will not relieve Subscriber of responsibility for the payment of all accrued charges, plus reasonable interest and any collection fees.

    Account cancellation

    All requests for canceling accounts must be made in writing with at least 30 days notice but not more than 60 days prior written notice and sent to ABT infoCloud.com. You must have all account information to cancel.

    New Domain setup

    All new web hosting accounts involving new domains will be set up and entered into our DNS servers within 24 hours of install date. Due to unforeseen complications, however, this process may sometimes require up to 2 business days.

    Transfer of domains

    New web hosting accounts which involve the transfer of a domain from another provider to ABT infoCloud.com will usually require a minimum of seven (7) days to be effective and entered into our DNS servers. In some cases, such transfers may take up to fourteen (14) days. Due to the unpredictable nature of the transfer process, no guarantees are made regarding the amount of time a specific transfer may take.

    Support Boundaries

    ABT infoCloud.com provides technical support to our subscribers at all times. We limit our technical support to our area of expertise. The following is our guidelines when providing support: ABT infoCloud.com provides support related to your server or virtual site physical functioning. ABT infoCloud.com does not offer tech support for application specific issues such as CGI programming, html or any other such issue. ABT infoCloud.com does not provide technical support for YOUR customers. If you can email, we encourage you to email support@abtinfocloud.com for assistance.

    Bandwidth and Disk usage

    Customer agrees that bandwidth and disk usage shall not exceed the number of megabytes per month for the Services ordered by Customer on the Sales Order Form (the “Agreed Usage”). ABT infoCloud.com will monitor Customer’s bandwidth and disk usage. ABT infoCloud.com shall have the right to take corrective action if Customer’s bandwidth or disk usage exceeds the Agreed Usage. Such corrective action may include the assessment of additional charges, disconnection or discontinuance of any and all Services, or termination of this Agreement, which actions may be taken is in ABT infoCloud.com sole and absolute discretion. In the event that a customer exceeds the included allocation, ABT infoCloud.com would collect the charges for the extra bandwidth utilized along with monthly bill.

    Backup Policies

    All account data backups are the account holder’s responsibility.

    ABT infoCloud.com is NOT responsible for your data backup or subsequent loss. We recommend purchasing a dedicated server with redundant drives for mission critical websites or systems that require absolute redundancy.

    Disclaimer of Responsibility

    ABT infoCloud.com is under no duty to look at each customer’s or user’s each and every activity to determine if a violation of the AUP has occurred, nor do we assume any responsibility through our AUP to monitor or police Internet-related activities. ABT infoCloud.com disclaims any responsibility for any such inappropriate use and any liability to any person or party for any other person’s or party’s violation of this policy. Every client is required to backup their own data, files and databases.